Friday, January 24
Too knackered to write

Just came back from the now-weekly sports session of the Malaysian Soc. I find myself getting more and more competitive when it comes to matters like this - my innate desire to win is starting to sneak through; even though I know it's just a game and no one really wins anyway. Am now knackered, exhausted and nursing that recurring snag in my right leg. I sort of knew it was going to be uncomfortable anyway; but I didn't really want to pass up the opportunity. Main dulu, yang lain pikir kemudian. Memang aku sedar, aku tak reti duduk diam.

Anonymous Surfer

Saudara/i anonymous surfer ni banyak komen membina dalam guestbook aku. Banyak yang benarnya dia kata; dan banyak yang membuat aku terfikir sejenak dan dua jenak. Sebenarnya, dalam kehidupan seharian aku, aku cuba gak nak tunjukkan kat Mat Salleh cara kehidupan Islam yang penuh dengan kesederhanaan dan kemuliaan; cuba nak ubah persepsi diorang bahawa orang Islam ni tak kasar atau ganas sepertimana yang ditonjolkan oleh media. Berjaya ke tidak aku tak tahulah usaha aku ni.

Aku rasa diorang memang lagi kasar - just today ada mamat Cyprus yang lagak macam nak tampar junior aku, hanya sebab junior aku tanya dia kenapa dia potong line. Yang merusuh stadium sampai mati orang yang nak tengok bola sapa? Bangsa-bangsa Eropah jugak. Tapi memang orang Islam yang selalu dapat nama buruk.

Maybe sebab diorang nampak Islam ni pelik dan diorang takut. Jadi daripada diorang fahami, baik diorang burukkan. Cam kita gaklah; kalau ada mamat atau minah yang pelik dalam kelas kita ke; kita selalu assume macam-macam dan cakap macam-macam pasal dia; padahal mungkin dia sebaliknya.

Kenapa diorang nampak Islam macam pelik? Pada firasat aku, sebab diorang sekarang ni tak ramai dah yang ada pegangan. The concept of faith totally defeats them; it is not something they can relate to, and it is not something they understand. Sebab tu ada sorang secretary kat opis aku tanya pasal puasa; dia tanya, betul ke kitorang puasa, ke curi-curi makan gak? Aku mulanya nak terangkan kat dia konsep di mana kalau walaupun orang tak nampak, tapi Tuhan nampak; tapi malas nak bercerita panjang lebar. Sebab kalau dia familiar dengan konsep iman, dia takkan tanya pun soalan gitu. So last-last aku gelak aje, aku cakap kat dia, aku tak curi-curi, memang betul-betul puasa. Dia macam muka tak caya ajer.

Kadang-kadang diorang complain, kitorang tak berapa suka nak bercampur dengan diorang kalau bersosial. Yelah, camne nak join? Diorang bersosial di bar, di pub. Minum. Minum. Minum. Did I mention their whole lives drives revolves around alcohol? Uni aku ni; kalau nak promote kat orang luar - selling point diorang : we have 9 bars all on campus. Antara agenda penting kelab-kelab diorang is a campus bar crawl. Macam mana kitorang nak join? Diorang ni tak reti nak gi bandar tengok wayang ke, theater ke.. tanpa minum sebelum atau selepas. Abis tu, macam mana?

posted by Prof_Sadin 1/24/2003 11:44:19 PM// Your Say

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Wednesday, January 22
Where is justice?

Another piece of lopsided reporting today, courtesy of the BBC. On the 6 O'Clock News tonight, they did a feature about an Israeli father who lost his ex-wife and two sons when a Palestinian gunman ran amok at a kibbutz and killed 5 people. The interview was meant to show his pain, his anger and how he now feels hopeless; and no longer cares for co-existence.

What a farce. First of all, there was no proof that the gunman wasn't insane - at least not given in this report here. The difference is, that if he was insane, was that the attack was one of a madman; and all that is fate, really, although undeniably tragic. But most importantly, the bias I felt was that Palestinians live through that kind of pain every single day. Random Israeli gunmen kill innocent Palestinians on a daily basis - why is no one picking THAT story up? Or, more realistically, even if people picked that story up, would the TV stations show it?

When one wonders what goes through the minds of the suicide bombers; perhaps it would be easier to empathise when you think of how these people have seen their parents and family mercilessly killed by the Israeli army. What is there left to live for, in their psyche, apart from revenge? I'm not saying it's right, and I'm not saying it's justified, because technically, suicide is wrong anyway. But it may makes thing easier to understand why they chose to act in such a manner.

Fact is, as always, it is the governments who set the policies, and the people who suffer. Which is why it was refreshing to see many MPs fighting for no top-up fees in Parliament today. Rather than just rubber-stamping every document, there seems to be an earnestness in trying to make a difference; and how everything was thoroughly debated showed some feeling and emotion in the normally stoic and stern stance of these politicians.

Maybe this is the upside of having a government that can truly be ousted at an election.


I've decided to take up a new 'hobby'. Learning how to program websites using CSS. Let's see how long this one fares. I managed to get a job at the department - redesigning the department's intranet database website. I've got a few good ideas that I could test CSS with; but we'll see how things go. The job pays okay and it's not like it's fixed hours or anything - so I am free to work at my leisure. And I get paid, for the activity that I do as a de-stressing mechanism. Not bad.

posted by Prof_Sadin 1/22/2003 09:21:10 PM// Your Say

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Tuesday, January 21
Hari yang agak penuh

Masuk ke opis lambat sikit hari ni. Tu pun sebab ada meeting dengan Prof. Dharan pagi ni - semua budak PhD in Accounting wajib hadir. Informative jugaklah session dengan dia. Dapat sedikit insight dalam issue-issue terkini. Paper dia interesting jugak; pasal financial engineering and Enron. Tapi apa yang dia present dalam seminar takde kena mengena sangat dengan Enron. Aku nak tahu lebih lanjut pasal corporate accounting scandals sebenarnya; and it's aftermath.

Aku rasa esok dan seterusnya nak kena kerja kat bilik lah. Sebab sekarang kat office aku dah ada rakan sebilik; dan internet connection datapoint ada satu ajer. Kena share.. leceh gak sebab aku nak byk pakai internet sekarang; nak search, download and print paper. Baik kat bilik gini - kurang-kurangnya tak payah nak share connection. Tapi on the down side, aku kena gak tayang muka kat opis. Sebab takut orang cari. Entahlah.

Sekarang dah disiplinkan diri - kurangkan online dan chatting sampai siap report, jumpa topic dan start critical review. Ikutkan, boleh terbazir sejam dua kalau asyik bermain kat PC aje. Kena limitlah.. maybe sekali atau dua kali seminggu kalau masa office hours. Malam lain cerita.. heheheh.

Komen membina

I got a few favourable comments regarding the statement I made about the hypocrisy of the West. To tell you the truth, there were many, many things I wanted to say about that, but I had to limit myself due to space constraints. I could go on for a few more days, but talk is cheap. Actions speak louder.

posted by Prof_Sadin 1/21/2003 09:14:33 PM// Your Say

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Kenapa saya suka hujan

Saya suka hujan sebab hujan tu best. Air memang best. Saya suka main hujan. Saya suka main air.

"When the rain falls down, I am suddenly surrounded by an aura of calmness. I feel as if it's just me - man and nature - the rain. The blowing winds adds to the charismatic feeling of solitude, of an aloneness that is beautiful; unexplainable in words. Every drop of the water is pure, as pure as nature itself."

I wrote that when I was 17, perhaps in an attempt to externalise my feelings as a run-up to the 1119 exams (O-Level English) or something. I still agree with it (although it does sound cheesy and corny).

posted by Prof_Sadin 1/21/2003 09:23:04 AM// Your Say

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Monday, January 20
The day in review

I woke this morning to the depressing news that the London Met Police last night raided the Finsbury Park Mosque in London. The mosque, had, in the past, been subject to some controversy due to its outspoken cleric, Sheikh Abu Hamza. He today also faces expulsion as the imam of the mosque due to alleged misuse of his position by giving inflamatory sermons, among other things. (Now this latter piece of news reminds me a lot of home!)

The raid was made in connection to an ongoing investigation of the ricin poison gang who were arrested last week. While the Met police released a statement as to how their raid was not an attack on Islam or the mosque as a place of worship; one questions the need to use helicopters and battering rams. A Muslim rep was interviewed this morning on the BBC, and he raised a good point - the sanctity of the mosque as a place of refuge. He pointed out that churches which house criminals or terrorists were not subject to similar raids ; why do one on a mosque?

I have a very complicated stand on matters regarding the whole terrorist and Islam thing. For one, I do not agree with aggression and killings of the innocent as a method to get a point accross. This, to a certain extent, is aligned with the generic Western view. However, to me, the West are hypocrites, for they themselves support, directly or indirectly, the oppression and killings of Palestinians; and they are hardly fair or impartial when the perpertrators of the violence is Israel.

The US launched a senseless bombing on Afghanistan, under the pretext of trying to find Osama bin Laden; he is still alive and goodness knows how much was destroyed in terms of lives, livelihoods and the such. Not so great after all, are they? Can't even track down one man. Now they're planning to attack Iraq, with nothing but a smidgeon of evidence; and are so gung-ho about it that they are willing to defy the farce that is the United Nations.

Britain seem to want to show that even they are just as evil as the US and have sent troops into the Gulf - some of whom are barely 18 years of age. Prime Minister Blair declares Britain is in the direct crosshairs of terrorist attacks, and to me, he has no one to blame but his lame, sucking-up-to-Bush policies. Britain has never been regarded as the Great Satan as has been the US, but they seem to want it so bad these days. If Blair stopped following Bush's lead (how can an Oxford alumni allow himself to be led by one of the most IQ-challenged presidents in US history continues to baffle me endlessly), I suspect the terror plots and threats, too, shall stop.

Not that certain Muslims are not making it worse for the rest - last week's stabbing of a police officer in Manchester will not endear us to the boys in blue, even if the media has been careful (for once) by not making a religion-linked issue - fact is, people know the stabber is an Arab, and while not all Arabs are Muslims, the stereotype remains.

What can I do as a Muslim to help my religion stand tall and rid it of the prejudices it faces? We must strive to answer that question.


A bit of good news on the PhD front - something is beginning to make sense! Cayalah.. rasa cam tak sia-sia berjam-jam aku baca semua artikel tu; ada jugak kaitan rupanya.

Looking forward to tomorrow - the Department of Accounting and Finance have a guest speaker, and it's Prof. Bala Dharan from Rice University! Ok.. korang tak heran la kot; tapi mamat ni is quite a prominent figure in accounting and corporate governance.. banyak dah aku baca paper dan research dia. Esok dia nak present paper on Financial Engineering, Corporate Governance and Enron - berkait rapat dengan apa yang aku nak buat untuk thesis aku. Plus all Accounting PhD students ada session dengan dia esok.. yahoo! (Terasa cam nerd la plak.. menda camni pun excited. Takpelah. Aku memang nerd. Heh heh heh)

posted by Prof_Sadin 1/20/2003 07:39:36 PM// Your Say

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Week 2, Lent Term

What a start to a Monday morning. The picture on your left (or right, depending on how you think about these things), was taken at approximately 0855 hours from my office window. Let's just be glad I like rain.

So, a new week, not so new things to do, not so new challenges. Bila ntah nak gi menepek kat library aku ni.

posted by Prof_Sadin 1/20/2003 08:58:42 AM// Your Say

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Sunday, January 19
Bloomin' Sunday

Kalau kita mengambil erti literal - Bloomin' Sunday bermakna hari Ahad yang kembang/mekar.. tapi orang British ni memang sarcastic sikit.. jadi kalau dari segi slang, maksud Bloomin' Sunday tu - hari Ahad yang ampeh.

Anyway, enough of the English lessons already. Not a bad Sunday, really, because it all came together towards the end of the evening. At last I've got what resembles a set of research issues and a framework that could, potentially, constitute a PhD research proposal. Alhamdulillah.

Started the morning with a venture into Lancaster City (many who have arrived here question the rationale of naming Lancaster a city; a potential future discussion point) to buy a few things - literally dragged my right leg along, but it is recovering nicely, thanks to our local 'physio'. Got back and was lured to Bardsea with the promise of nasi lemak. Aku dah nak balik ke Grad dah time tu - sekali Mas kata, ada nasi lemak Kak Idlan. Tewas akhirnya.. heh heh heh.

Petang, Zieha datang dengan beg besarnya untuk melaksanakan Project Codename KK buat kali pertama. Harap tak segan nak teruskan lagi projek tersebut pada hari dan masa yang lain; ditemani juga rakan-rakan yang lain.

Bagus gak dia datang; kalau tak Sunday afternoons aku hampeh sikit. Hari ni walaupun tak buat apa, kurangnya ada kawan. Bukan buat apa pun; sambil dia buat Maths, aku kemas barang nak dipos ke Malaysia. Sambil borak-borak. Tapi bagus gak ada company. A PhD is a lonely process kalau takde kawan-kawan.

posted by Prof_Sadin 1/19/2003 11:47:56 PM// Your Say

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Saturday Night

I ended up not going out tonight. I managed to aggravate a long-standing leg injury; so in view of the sports I plan to do in the near future, I though I'd give things a rest. Dragging my leg through Lancaster in the rain did not seem like a good idea.

Stayed in, watched Blind Date followed by Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway. I watch Blind Date for purely nostalgic value - the show reminds me a lot of my childhood in Durham, and as corny as it is, it's still fun. Ant and Dec's show also has some nostalgic bits in it - especially the Jimmy Didn't Fix It for Me segment. There was this show, when I was younger, called Jim'll Fix It, hosted by Jim Saville. The object of it was to get kids to write in with a special wish, and Jim would choose a particular wish and 'fix' it for the kid. A bit like B&H's Golden Dreams, but for kids. I remember a family friend getting onto this show - being princess for a day! The show was a massive hit ; a lot of kids wrote in - and obviously Jim couldn't fix everything.

Anyway, Ant and Dec would choose the letters that Jim did not choose to fix; and some 20 years down the line (or thereabouts), fix it for the now-adult kid. Outrageous stunts, thus far, include driving in a Lego car, dancing with the Nolans (yes.. who?) and sliding into a pool of mud in pristine white clothes. The pull of the show is that these 'wishes' were made almost a lifetime ago; and it was fun to see how prim and proper people turned out, and relate them now with the child within.

Decided afterwards to get some work done - managed to file and organise my papers, if that counts as proper work. Watched 'Life or Something Like It' on my PC - it is an Angelina Jolie movie, so even if it was crap, I'd still watch it, for the sheer pleasure of saying that I have watched most, if not all, of her work to date. The main plot - a so-called prophet predicts that an up and coming tv presented had one week to live; and how her life and priorities changed thereabouts. Again a subplot that struck a chord - the lead character (played by Jolie) and her constant plight for approval from her dad, whom, to her, has always approved of her better behaved, well mannered older sister.

Managed to plan my big website project tonight. Hopefully, I won't get too preoccupied with that and forget about my work.

posted by Prof_Sadin 1/19/2003 01:29:48 AM// Your Say

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