Saturday, November 9
Aaahh.. the weekend is here.. finally. Although I'll still be doing quite a bit of work.. yesterday was totally spent on my PC. Abang Ujang managed to fix the CD Rom drive - it still is a bit wonky but it works, so that's that.. Now I'm not totally sure what to do with the older one.. I am seriously contemplating selling it off.. but for how much? Plus it has so much sentimental value to me. Anyone who knows me would know how attached I am to my computers.

This here is one of my first computers.. note the TAPE player...

Perkara yang wajib dibuat hari ni.. in the tradition of Idlan's to do list...

  • Siapkan type notes for Lecture 13
  • Revise and Super Revise for Lecture 11 & 12
  • Pergi bandar beli groceries
  • Baca and Super Baca paper Otley yang akan dipresent hari Rabu depan
  • Hias sikit bilik nie .. the Titanic has been raised but it still looks like a ghost ship

    Nak beli video, DVD or apa? Alba punya £69.99 ajer.. tapi compatible ke dengan TV buruk aku nie? Ada ke kedai yang buat trade-in? For about £200 ada CD player cum DVD player.. mmglah tak mampu nak splurge with £200 hari ni but worth saving up for? Tapi PS2 pun dah going for £169.99. VCR lagi murah.. brand new £50 ajer. Aku nyer yang lama yang Ana pakai skrg tu pun £40 second hand. Tapi beli VCR.. hmm.. advantage dia boleh record stuff from the TV.. dengan siaran TV aku yang entah apa-apa entah nie.. apa yang nak direcordnya? For £200 dah boleh dapat DVD + VCR ala-ala Samsung yang kat Malaysia tu.

    Last-last.. aku rasa.. aku simpan ajer duit tu.. buat masuk tabung beli tiket balik Mesia tahun depan!

    posted by Prof_Sadin 11/9/2002 06:56:49 AM// Your Say

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  • Friday, November 8
    If there is one certainty about Lancaster.. it's gotta be rain. Got up quite early today.. well.. early in UK terms anyway.. went to Pendle to dry my laundry. Entahlah apsal bebudak dalam flat nie..install washing machine tapi tak install dryer.. actually dua orang ajer yang tak setuju.. tapi karang kalau kitorang yang lain amik.. susah lah nak spread the payment. So terpaksa menerjah ke pendle mencari dryer..

    And as always.. Lancaster HUJAN...

    posted by Prof_Sadin 11/8/2002 10:46:28 AM// Your Say

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    Yahuuu.. dah nak weekend. Masa kat Muadzam.. I couldn't even imagine spending one day there, being away from my family and friends, if it wasn't for work. Kat sini takpe plak.. begitu besar sekali nampaknya mental block aku dengan Muadzam nie.. body and soul memang reject kot.

    Pagi ni nak mintak tolong Abang Ujang tengokkan PC Lina.. CD ROM drive tak function. Maybe nak mintak dia formatkan terus.. while I am totally in love with my PC, it has moved on a bit.. with a processor speed of only 266Mhz.. well.. I can't run most of the new applications; Lina's PC is more up to date in that sense. Failing which, I'll probably sell both of them and buy a new base unit. I could get a refurbished state of the art base unit for about £300, tops.

    posted by Prof_Sadin 11/8/2002 10:38:10 AM// Your Say

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    Thursday, November 7
    Today I managed to get a few things sorted out.. attended my first seminar yesterday.. terkebil-kebil jugak.. maklumlah.. paper tak baca.. pastu terjah sesuka hati masuk seminar. Not to mention.. I am not sure if I am totally prepared for classes on Monday.. macam tak biasa mengajar.. tapi entahlah.. expectation aku tinggi kot about students kat sini.. kalau diorang mandom and kuyu ajer mcm budak-budak Uniten aku rasa takde problem lah..

    Anyways.. I think I am on the right planet now.. my body clock seems to be aligned with the local time.

    posted by Prof_Sadin 11/7/2002 05:14:45 PM// Your Say

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    5.30 nie patut ada training.. tak sure nak turun ke tidak.. jet lag pun baru recover.. out of shape tak payah nak cerita.. rasanya mulai Monday next week dah boleh start jogging again.. then perhaps the week after boleh start turun training.. kalau tak buat malu ajer.. pancit belum apa-apa. The one thing about these British girls.. they drink like their lives depended on it, but they are still very fit.. can last the whole length of the game no problem. Macam aku.. selalu cramp.. maklumlah sejuk..

    posted by Prof_Sadin 11/7/2002 05:08:18 PM// Your Say
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    Hari ni pagi-pagi lagi dah sampai ke bandar... nampak sangat aku rindu kat bandar Lancaster dan tak lupa pakcik 'Six for a pound' tu.. actually dari dulu habit aku suka rewang bandar.. bukan beli apa pun.. sajer nak jalan2. Kadang-kadang beli magazine kat WHSmith's ajer sekeping.. pastu makan jacket potatoes kat depan Thomas Cook tu.. pastu balik.

    Cik Kieli.. kena datang Lancaster nie. Tak jadi this week, then maybe next time. Lancaster ni bukan bandar besar macam Manchester atau London.. kedai-kedai dia semua tertumpu ke satu kawasan ajer.


    Hari ni beli menda-menda kecik yang tak perasan tak terbeli hari tu. Handwash soap, kitchen towels.. pastu masuk WHSmith's beli buku cerita. Dulu zaman-zaman masters I used to be able to go through one book a week.. or at least one book in every ten days. My WHSmith's Clubcard always got the most reward points..even managed to get a discount on the GameBoy Advance using that clubcard. Tapi clubcard lama entah mana tah.. kad Sainsbury's pun dah takde.. Boots nyer lagilah.. so tadi apply yang baru. Duduk kat UK ni banyak card.. NUS card.. Railcard.. yang bestnyer semua boleh pakai buat discount.


    Big surprise today when I logged onto the guestbook.. ada orang sekampung baca diary ni rupanya! So here's a shout to Arien - yang bakal amik paper AcF211 aku. Tak kenal pun lagi tuannya.. tapi takper.. lambat laun berkenalan juga.. Jemputlah ke rumah Arien.. kat Graduate College.. House 9 No 409. Tapi takde apa yang nak dijamu.. kita idup ultimate orang bujang!

    posted by Prof_Sadin 11/7/2002 01:37:55 PM// Your Say

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    Wednesday, November 6
    Rasanya dah lengkap hidup aku kat Lancaster sekarang.. sebab tadi dah masak for the first time sejak sampai sini. Masakan.. mestilah yang paling standard untuk Idlan di Lancaster - kari sayur (letak button mushrooms, tomato and baby potatoes), grilled smoked mackerel and nasi putih. Basmati lagi.. ingatkan nak hidup sederhana & makan American long grain yang 65p sekilo tu.. tapi pi Sainsbury's nampak ada Basmati rice on offer.. lagi pun.. awal bulan.. heheheh. Jadi, dengan kejayaaan saya memasak makanan tadi, maka tamatlah riwayat kotoran degil era makanan segera aku.

    Jet lag rasanya masih ada sedikit sebanyak.. tapi Insyaallah akan diusahakan supaya berkurangan.. aku akan gagahkan diri dan takkan tidur sebelum jam 10 malam. Malam ni rasanya nak usahakan notes for lecture mingu depan. Koman2 dah ada sikit kira oklah tu.

    posted by Prof_Sadin 11/6/2002 06:37:46 PM// Your Say

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    Top 5 Best Things About Being Back in the UK

    5. No More Muadzam Shah!
    4. Football.. football.. football..
    3. News of the World
    2. heat magazine
    and at No. 1
    .. Dr Pepper!

    posted by Prof_Sadin 11/6/2002 08:37:43 AM// Your Say
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    Yes.. the live telecast of a day in the life of a completely clueless lecturer-turned-PhD student resumes its broadcast from the North West Coast of England. Here we are today in the not-so-sunny skylines of Lancaster, where rain is a definite must and sunshine is purely optional. It is now 8am in the morning; I am slowly getting over the jetlag.. waking up at 5.30 for sahur has not helped, however, because I couldn't get back to sleep. But hey, I'll get used to it.

    The weather here has been mild (yes.. I am starting off with the most typical discussion of all - the weather!) .. not as autumnal as usual on the Sunday when I arrived and also Monday.. but yesterday and today has been typical Blighty stuff.

    A brief cap over what has happened over the past few days.. arrived on Sunday morning and attacked a few car boot sales with gusto.. even managed to get a few bargains along the way. Monday was spent on registration and shopping, especially for food.. although that proved pointless because orang semua ajak datang rumah makan. I suspect the realities of having to cook and living a normal life will kick in today since dah start puasa pun.

    Tuesday I went in shopping for the more exciting stuff.. new sneakers, a few jumpers.. I've received the cheques from the the Management School and the Acc & Fin dept... my studentship however runs from October so I've got one month's worth of dosh to mess about with.. I may splurge on a fancy electronic item.. either a DVD player or the PS2.. the former is cheaper but the latter not only gives me entertainment but also plays DVDs too. The rest will be kept safe for a rainy day.. oh hang on.. it rains all the time here.. for a sunny day, then. Nak balik Malaysia tahun depan .. need money for that too

    A few changes to the way the blog is written.. I feel a longing to converse in Malay.. so sekali sekala tu (or maybe, banyak kali banyak kala) the entries are going to be totally rojak (in terms of language). It was my initial intention to use English to reach a wider audience and also to make sure my command of the language is continously improved.. but since I will be speaking English all the time ANYway.. heh heh heh..

    posted by Prof_Sadin 11/6/2002 08:27:31 AM// Your Say

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    Monday, November 4
    Testing.. testing..

    Hello Lancaster... I'm baaaaaaaaaaacccccckkkkkkkkkkkkk

    posted by Prof_Sadin 11/4/2002 10:49:26 AM// Your Say

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