Saturday, October 19
I'm siiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccckkkkkkk... had the most terrible stomach pain yesterday midday; gastric probably, due to my erratic eating schedule and excessive work ethics during the past month or so.. drove back to Bangi with a throbbing pain in my back and neck.. as soon as I got to Bangi I started burning up with a fever.. perhaps my body's reaction to my forcing myself to drive despite the pain. So now I'm holed up at home, resting for once..

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/19/2002 01:54:14 AM// Your Say
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Friday, October 18
An entry in my blog today is not worth of an entry if I didn't make a comment on our lad Roy Keane. This won't make any sense to you unless you enjoy football (Angah: I like hockey too.. and spicy food AND movies.. cycling doesn't click with me though).

He was found guilty of intentionally trying to harm a two-bit defender called Alf Inge Haaland (okay.. so he is not a two-bit defender; but he ain't no angel either).. and he was banned for 5 games and fined GBP150,000. That's heck of a lot of money, but for someone who makes around GBP70k a week.. well; that's just going without two weeks pay, really.

There are calls in the English media saying that he has been let off too lightly. Even Julian Dicks, never an angel, reckons Keane got off easy. But apparently, there is gross inconsistency with the FA's way of dealing with the bad boys - especially when the players are not English. Check out this piece by James Davis. Then let's reflect about keeping racism out of football.. remember.. racism isn't just about attacking those who have different colour skin.

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/18/2002 04:23:23 AM// Your Say

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I've been meaning to add in a links section to this website for quite a while now, but haven't got round to doing it yet. Maybe this weekend, amidst the piles of books and papers and files I need to sort out. There are a few things I must get done.. planning for my summer extravaganza for one! Kokang reckons she wants to go to Italy and France - the rest is mere details.. that's easily organised then.. I'll have to try to get a cost structure up and running soon so I know how much to save up.

But to tell you the truth; I haven't done all of England yet.. and I also want to go to Spain. Cik Kieli.. nak ikut? Maybe we can go to Scotland during Easter break? Tengok William Wallace monument.. tengok Loch Ness and Loch Lomond.. hehehhe.. you can come up to Lancaster first and we can do the Lake District as well.. I've sort of done that a million times but the Lake District is always a treat no matter how many times you go. Right.. I'm going to stop sounding like the Northern England Tourist Board now...

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/18/2002 03:55:34 AM// Your Say

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Aahh.. Friday. The best day of the week (unless I'm working on Saturday, which then makes Friday totally useless.)

Spent most of last evening throwing thing into respective boxes to be taken back to Bangi. Mistake was not emptying the boot last weekend, so the amount of things I can take back this weekend is limited. I've managed to stuff quite a lot, though, and the room is looking more sparse than ever! The weekend, therefore, is sorted out - I will be spending major chunks of it sitting in front of the TV sorting out the stuff I've brought back - what to save, what to bin and what to take. Oh, and the pre-flight meet-ups are starting to.. dinner with Ramzi and Maria tommorow night; the Lancaster crowd either next weekend or Wednesday 30th, Izie's place on the 26th.. two more weeks to go.. argghhhhh!!!

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/18/2002 03:44:31 AM// Your Say

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Thursday, October 17
in response to acat .. die ARSEnal die!


posted by Prof_Sadin 10/17/2002 10:47:13 AM// Your Say

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I am contemplating doing the ACCA while doing my PhD. Sounds a bit heavy, and perhaps it is. But I was thinking.. if I were to take one paper at a time, assuming that the minimum number of exemptions I will get is around 6 papers; that leaves another 8, three of which I need to take all in one go so I will need to do that in Malaysia. That leaves 5 papers and if I take one paper at a time for every sitting; and there are 2 sittings every year... well.. it WOULD be possible, wouldn't it, to get the required 5 papers in 3 years? An ACCA registration lasts 10 years, so it IS do-able.

There are other constraints I have to think of, however. One is, for every paper I need exemption for, I need to pay an exemption fee. Then there are the exam fees. No way will I be able to attend classes, so I will need to get material and stuff via home-correspondence or self-study - duit lagi. So it's all contingent on how much money I can save the first few years.

Why do I want ACCA qualification? Because it could prove to be a passport to permanent teaching in Bangi. Why else would I even bother?

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/17/2002 10:32:21 AM// Your Say

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The Great Malaysian Blog List. Another great idea. My talking about it won't do it justice. Read it from the horse's keyboard itself(yes.. I know, lame attempt at improvising a metaphor)

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/17/2002 03:36:41 AM// Your Say
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Things I did manage to do yesterday
  • sort out the masses of paper on my desk
  • mark student assignments (some)
  • cook dinner

    Things I still need to get done today

  • those exam questions!!!
  • pack my office
  • read up on ACF211
  • mope because STOOOPID Seaman and Campbell, who play for ARSEnal, were absolutely useless last night. What a waste of good 2 hours sleeping time!

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/17/2002 01:39:56 AM// Your Say
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  • Wednesday, October 16
    Things I want to do today
  • write lots and lots and lots of meaningless drivel in my blog
  • totally redesign the layout and template of my blog
  • surf the net, write emails and plan for my great travel extravaganza with Kokang in July or August 2003
  • watch American Beauty
  • go home to Bangi

    Things I have to do today (or at least before the end of the week)

  • prepare the exam answer script for my paper
  • sort out the masses of paper on my desk
  • mark student assignments *sigh*
  • pack my office
  • cook dinner tonight

    Sheryl Crow's secret to happiness: It's not having what you want.. It's wanting what you've got.

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/16/2002 10:24:10 AM// Your Say

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  • Yesterday went slowly downhill after I figured out that I had the record keeping capabilities of a three year old. There was a meeting that we were 'invited' to attend that turned out to be compulsory. Had to sit in the room for two and a half hours ; freezing cold and no one bothered to turn the air-conditioning down. Came out at half past six, only to be told that a certain item that was not yet due became due; hence a frantic rush to print and prepare all. Only managed to crawl out of the office at 2130 hours.

    Feet dragging with hunger, we drove to the nearby rest house to eat at its restaurant.. only to be told.. 'Restaurant dah tutup dik.. tukar contract". So had to drive out to the only place left in Muadzam that served food post 8pm - the highway rest area. My usual stall was closed, so we went to this other stall - two of my friends ordered air barli only to be served with air bandung.. do'oh.. One of use ordered nasi ayam which was pre-cooked, but took an hour to reach us. Two others ordered mee hoon bandung but were served with with something that remotely resembled mee hoon in kuah kacang. When we got round to paying, we asked for separate bills, to which the response was - everyone scurried into the kitchen. Finally, the cashier took about 2 minutes to calculate the the change from RM20 for a charge of RM19.60.

    Went to bed tired, exhausted and indigested

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/16/2002 05:58:28 AM// Your Say

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    Tuesday, October 15
    Went totally ballistic after calculating the amount of money in my coffers for the Mr Accounting text only amounted to RM 1260, where as it should amount to RM2310. Totally, totally freaked out.. not quite sure where to haul the extra RM1050.. fretted for a few minutes about the amount of money I would need to find to cover that.. total shock, total horror.. referred to invoice 10 times in 5 minutes... tried to find explanations as to where the money could have gone - only I know where it is stored.. the drawer is always locked; and the room is never left unoccupied for more than a few minutes.. macam mana boleh hilang nie Idlan?? Matilah aku matilah

    Then realised that the invoice was for September and all payments made in August were not recorded ; and a payment by cheque was made for RM1080 in August. So now I'm stuck with an EXTRA RM30. *blur blur blur blur blur....*

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/15/2002 04:50:22 AM// Your Say

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    Monday, October 14
    Oooookkaaayy.. now that I've completed 67% of the exam questions, I thought I should reward myself with a pat on the head and a go on the computer. Pat pat pat pat pat pat

    Right. So the weekend. Took a rest from taking to the town. Fisz was over at Shick's in KL, so there was no Sunday morning movie run. Plus I'm flat broke. But I did manage to hop down to Warta to get a few VCDs. As always, only managed to watch one CD of Stuart Little from the three I bought. I made one futile attempt to watch it later in the afternoon; of course I lost out to abah and his Hindustani collection. Way back in the days when our VCD player was the PS1 console, I practically had it all to myself because no one could figure out the intricacies of switching the thing on.. now that we've modernised and are using one of those Hi-Fi cum VCD player thingis.. well.. the mechanics got easier and I got no chance to watch anything no more

    Did catch Miss Congeniality on HBO however.. laughed my head off.. ha ha ha ha boink.. if anyone still knows that (lame) joke. And then watched the England vs Slovenia match.. played on a surface that reminded me of Woodstock'94 post rain. At least we won. England are playing Macedonia in a few days.. hope I don't wake the whole house watching that; as I have perfected the art of screaming after a goal to perfection.

    And like millions in the country, also tuned in to watch Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian. Great job to Rosyam Nor.. not only do I respect him as an actor of class; he also managed to topple Siti from the top. Woo haa! I usually don't pay much heed to these 'audience' voting award ceremonies because there is a strong hint of bias - I mean, what's to stop from an artist sending heaps and heaps of entries under pseudonyms to make sure he gets the Waja? - but this time I think Rosyam Nor's win is justified. He is the actor of the moment; and unlike someone who plays a police officer that was nominated in the same category as him, our Rosyam can actually act.

    I do however have one grip (soapbox alert). How come in the DJs category, only the Malay station DJs made it to the final? Seriously, is Khairil Rashid more popular than The Fly Guy or Lil 'Kev? And for that matter, who the heck are Spyder? How could they beat Exists AND Too Phat? Do they have hit songs on the charts right now? Methinks it's got a lot to do with the readership of Berita Harian and the kind of music they listen to. Granted the mass majority of the Malays read Berita Harian, and they also arguably make up the group of people who listen to Era (thus explaining why 4 Era DJs were in the shortlist). If it wasn't for the recent boom in Hindi music, would Andy Hakim have gotten a foot in the door? I failed to notice the voting forms being published in the sister paper of BH, the NST. If the forms were not published in the NST, then maybe this demographic readership theory may just hold water.But at the end of the day, it was a popularity contest.. and if popularity is the order of the day, one can't really complain why Erra Fazira was the people's choice as opposed to Umie Aida and her cradle robbing ways. I mean.. the People's Choice reflect what the public think, right? And no one said the public was sane!

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/14/2002 12:32:29 PM// Your Say

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    It's just past half past six.. almost the whole office is empty except for the random few crackheads who are still at it, including yours truly. Feeling hungry so went to make some Milo and have a slice of cheese.. I actually want to go back early today (FOR ONCE) because That 70's Show is on. But I just realised I haven't gotten much mileage with the exam Q's.. especially since I've been spending the whole afternoon running after the HOD and the Dean to get my application for paper presentation approved.. So like it or not, I'm stuck here for quite a while yet!

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/14/2002 11:35:08 AM// Your Say
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    Just called Maxis; trying to figure out how to access International Roaming Services.. if only just for the first few days while I am in Lancaster so that I can at least be in touch.. but it's gonna cost me RM300 deposit; not including the call charges etc etc.. *sigh* Should I? Or would it just be a waste of RM300? The thing with me is that you can put me anywhere in this world ; I just have to be in touch with my folks. So ideally, in between the time I get my phone via the ONLY way to buy a decent phone in the UK, how can I be contacted should something arise? If International Roaming is going to be SO hard, I might as well bring over my mobile, buy a prepaid simcard for any UK mobile line (available at newsagents for about 8 quid) and then get a 10 quid voucher.. that should get me through the first few days until I get a proper mobile, no?

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/14/2002 08:50:59 AM// Your Say
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    Good morning everyone.. hope it has been a great Monday so far.. ha ha.. Arrived in at the office earlier than usual today.. usually when I arrive I make a beeline for a plate of kuay teow goreng at one of the stalls here in Muadzam - probably the ONLY thing I will miss about this place - but today had to come straight in because I wasn't sure whether I am supposed to take over Kak Eda's lab while she is on the way or otherwise. Anyway, if she isn't here by 10, I'll get stuck in there first.

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/14/2002 02:47:48 AM// Your Say
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    Sunday, October 13
    I've relocated the hosting server for the blog from my original web to Main reason being the previous site hosted many files that took up quite a bit of space, so bila rumah dah tak muat.. masuklah rumah baru..

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/13/2002 10:25:17 AM// Your Say
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