Saturday, October 5
Good to be back in civilisation, even just for the weekend. Did some light shopping - basic stuff I'm gonna need when I get to Lancaster. Not planning to bring much; just a couple of sweaters which I brought back from last year, a couple of jeans and cargo pants, t-shirts; is all really. Will probably get my mum to post the books / notes over when things settle down.

Had lunch with an old friend (who is now seemingly public property). Even HE is settling down; got engaged a couple of weeks ago, wedding in March / April. Gives me a bit of hope, really.. if HE can be tamed, well.. there is still something left for me out there, perhaps!

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/5/2002 02:31:22 PM// Your Say

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Played the game as I was driving back from Muadzam yesterday. Let's see the results:
*DP387* : one summons for speeding
J**56*: warrant out for driving with an expired license
WD*90**: 3 summons for speeding
MA*3**1: One offence - fatal accident (and to think I was driving behind THIS freak!!!)
J**2**7: 3 offences - two speeding and one traffic obstruction
WJ*98**: 2 speeding offences
N*D**58: This one really got on my nerves.. a large lorry speeding in the lane next to me as if it were a car.. and it had: one summons for overtaking dangerously. Excellent.

So out of the 10 cars that overtook me in the third lane at more than 120km/j or lorries which sped away at a speed greater than 80km/h on the trunk roads 7 were appropriately being booked by the police for their dangerous and arrogant driving. That puts me in a good mood for the weekend already!

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/5/2002 02:31:19 AM// Your Say

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Friday, October 4
a poem i found...
who wants me with secrets to keep?
who wants somebody with fears buried deep?
who will look at me
in the same way once they know?
who will still want me after all I've done?
who will still hold me when I break down?
who will stroke my hair when I weep?
who will listen to me when my past catches up with me?
Who will still love me, for me, regardless?
I hope you will

Jiwang pulak aku tengahari ni... hehehhe

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/4/2002 07:13:15 AM// Your Say

. . .
"It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot, irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known, but to question it
Jacob Chanowski

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/4/2002 07:08:10 AM// Your Say
. . .
Received the letter from HR today.. sent a reply.. 1 year contract added to every year spent abroad.. not a bad deal since it's paid leave.. it's not the money that's important, but the seniority and standing within the organisation.

anyway.. to those who inquired.. leaving tentatively 2 November.. will be spending 3 years in Lancaster for my Phd.. all fees and maintenance paid for by Lancaster University Management School / Dept. of Accounting & Finance.. in return I will have to teach there part time.. which is fine by me because of the experience I will gain.. teaching a group of timid, lucid local students is different from teaching boisterous internationals, that's for sure.

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/4/2002 05:31:46 AM// Your Say

. . .
Kenapa aku jadi lecturer?

(petikan bualan aku dan seorang 'senior')


"Ye saya"

"Kenapa awak jadi lecturer"

"Entah" (malas nak jawab)

"Tapi dengan result awak.. tak rasa sia-sia ke jadi lecturer?"

"Kenapa pulak sia-sia?"

"Yelah.. kalau awak mintak kerja kat corporate finance bank ke.. audit firm ke..sure dapat punya"

"Tak nak bergelumang dengan dosa" (buat lawak bangang)

"Rugi ajer awak jadi lecturer"

"Siapa yang rugi? Kenapa rugi?"(nafsu ammarah mula terdetik)

"Alah.. biasanya orang yang dah tak dapat kerja lain ajer jadi lecturer ni.."

"Saya mana ada pilihan kak.. saya ada contract dengan TNB"

"Dalam TNB banyak area corporate awak boleh pergi..."

"Best sangat ke kerja corporate kak?" (dah start nak perli)

"Better lah dari kerja lecturer"

"Akak pernah kerja lecturer ke?"

"Takdelah.. kawan kawan akak......"

"Entahlah.. saya suka kerja ni. Tak hina mendidik anak orang.. memberi semangat kepada anak bangsa.. Lagipun saya suka buat research"

"Alah.. research korang.. mana boleh apply.. theory ajer"


"Semua lecturer tau theory aje.. practical tak ada"


" ...." diam

"Yang keluarkan paper pasal cara cara baru nak ubatkan orang sakit tu, bukan ke lecturer? Pasal cara nak improve management, kaedah kaedah mendapatkan sumber tenaga alternatif.. semua dari lecturer university apa.. orang kerja 'corporate' mana ada masa untuk semua tu"

"Kau tak rasa muda sangat ke nak jadi lecturer.. takde experience .. rugi.. apa kau nak ajar anak-anak murid kau?" (tukar topik)

"Nak dapat practical experience, tak semestinya kerja corporate.. saya buat consultation kecil-kecilan untuk kawan-kawan.. tolong orang set up business.. semua tu practical jugak.. "

"Jadi lecturer nanti ko pandai sangat.. kau sorang je betul..orang semua salah.."

"Tak jadi lecturer pun ada yang macam tu.." (gelak)

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/4/2002 02:00:22 AM// Your Say

. . .

What is your mental profile?

brought to you by Quizilla

Why am I not surprised? I call it multitasking.. they call it ADD :)

posted by Prof_Sadin 10/4/2002 12:37:03 AM// Your Say

. . .
Things to do today.. urgh..
  • type in notes for lecture on the internet
  • figure out what on earth is going on in Mr Accounting for next week
  • remember to go for Mr Accounting Labs today at 10am
  • choose books to take back to Bangi
  • pack SOMETHING to take back to Bangi

  • posted by Prof_Sadin 10/4/2002 12:33:06 AM// Your Say
    . . .
    A good start to this Friday morning - well, okay, all Friday mornings are excellent because it means I will be going back to Bangi - but today I got confirmation that my paper on Enron has been accepted for the International Corporate Governance Conference. This is a FIRST EVER.. a world record!! [Entry in Guinness Book of World Records would read... "First ever Idlan paper accepted by anything / anyone"]

    I spent a good couple of months on the paper, but what makes me most proud of it is that it is 100% pure Idlan effort.. (plus feedback, of course). I'm all for working together with senior lecturers on research projects, but there is a dearth of work being done in corporate governance here.. and I though I'd venture into the fray on my own; bullets flying and all. So good girl Idlan.. pat pat pat pat pat...

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/4/2002 12:27:18 AM// Your Say

    . . .
    Thursday, October 3
    Tadaa... migration successful

    I first noticed that most of the other webloggers I've gotten to know as of late use blogspot as their weblog support, so I ventured over to their website earlier today. It's quite a handy tool - it can be stand alone or work as part of your website.. and you can update as you go via ftp. Good on you, swell piece of application you have here!

    I've managed to code the color scheme to make it match the initial webpage; hopefully this'll be improved as time goes on.. petang-petang karang sikit ker.. maklumlah.. my boss just popped in for a 'short conversation' just now..

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/3/2002 07:28:24 AM// Your Say

    . . .
    Okay ladies and gentlemen.. if you see this.. just bear with me.. I am trying to integrate the blogger site into my tripod site.. to see what happens :) Sit back and watch me screw this page up a kejillion times before I get it right.

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/3/2002 05:04:58 AM// Your Say
    . . .
    Oct 3, 2002

    Arghhh... came in to work at 0653 hours, boiled water in the pantry.. went back to make Milo - no more 3-in-1s left; looked around for Nescafe - NON-EXISTENT! Tidaaaaaakkk.... Now I will have to wait until 9am to go for breakfast to get some caffeine into my system


    Thursday is a good day. No lectures, usually no meetings, and no stress of having to prepare for lectures. There is a lot to do, however - need to clean out the room, for one. Methinks it is best to bring stuff back to Bangi in stages.. this week I'll bring back some of my books that I won't need for the rest of the semester.


    Perplexing things that puzzle lectures, #8809454
    Do students in general have no access to staplers to staple their assignments with?


    0758 hours: Found coffee. Yes.. yess.. yesss!!!!


    I've managed to settle the plagiarism matter with the students. I think the punishment I meted out was fair. The damning thing is, though, I don't want the guilty students to feel as if I am singling them out for further punishment, because I'm not. I'm all for letting bygones be bygones and turning over a new leaf and all that.. with my history, I'd be mad not to believe in second chances. BUT they keep letting me down.. handing in shoddy work; not studying for their quizzes.. the list goes on.. I'm all up in arms over this. What else am I expected to do? But it's true.. Allah won't change things for us unless we strive towards that change ourselves. *sigh*


    Oct 2, 2002

    The Internet was down almost all day yesterday. This rarely happens nowadays, but when it does.. argghhh!! How does one communicate when one is SO isolated from everything else that is happening out there! Alhamdulillah, it was up and running when I came into work this morning - 6.45am as usual; albeit this time, intentional given the amount of work I had to get done before my 8am lectures.


    Am getting a lot of positive support from the other online journalers on the mailing list that I am on. Very helpful, thoughtful and constructive comments that gives me ideas about what to write on these pages.


    Received news from HR yesterday. They have approved my application for paid study leave. Was in such a rush yesterday - needed to check ticket prices, book a flight, send confirmation of arrival emails.. and the Net was down. Managed, however, to book a flight out from KLIA on 2 November, direct to Manchester. The good thing is, I'll be back in Lancaster. So I won't need an entourage to pick me up at the airport - all is easily manageable because I don't plan to bring much luggage and I know my way around. The basic essentials like the rice cooker, duvet and stuff which I left for Lina to use in 2001 will now be left by Lina for me to use again :D I've sorted the basic luxuries - a computer :) , TV and hopefully video.. Insyaallah if I have spare cash then I could consider upgrading to a DVD player.. hehehhe. Tak cukup duit... kerja kat Pizetta, ye tak?

    Oct 1, 2002

    I've devised a new game. Did you know you could check your summons online these days? Click here . You can check by I/C number, vehicle registration number, passport or company registration number. SO. Have you ever been utterly pissed with drivers of luxury vehicles who zoom past you in the third lane on the highway at a speed you know is absolutely excessive? Or, worse still, while you yourself are encroaching on the effective speed barrier, driving in the third lane, these cars flash their beams at you, expecting you to move out of the way? It's acceptable if you were going at a slowpoke rate, but when you are driving at 115km/h and counting... well.. shouldn't they be adhering to road rules as well? Or does the fact that one could afford to drive flashy cars means one is technically untouchable by the laws that govern our highways and byways? Well anyway.. I've started to memorise their plate numbers and key them into the system through the website. Is it legal? I dunno. What do I get out of it? Nothing, except the satisfaction of looking at the list of summons they need to play, and staring at my own clean record at the same time :)


    And so dawns a new month. Got quite an interesting comment in the guestbook today about my ultimate intention for this weblog to be a way to tell the world what a Muslim's life is about. It sort of got me thinking.. how do Muslims live? To me, well, a Muslim doesn't live much different from others; in essence, that is. I mean, yes, Muslims don't drink alcohol or eat swine, they pray 5 times a day, should not indulge in sex before marriage and all that. But underneath these rules and a multitude of others, which we don't find burdensome, by the way, we lead lives pretty much the same as everyone else.

    Based on conversations I've had, the Isareli-influenced media and the general outlook - the world seems to think that Muslims are secretive, obsessed people who spend every spare second devising new ways of how to attack America, the UK or any Western civilisation. There is also this perception that Muslim women are oppressed; not given the chance to explore their potential, and the required dress code is a violation against women's right. This is the view I would like to change. Granted some people are crouching in their basements downloading bomb making material off the Internet - but there is no blatant proof that these schemers are all Muslims, and more importantly - has America ever asked itself why it was attacked on Sept 11? I'm sure they didn't enjoy the answer to that one, which is why they have totally left it out of it's so called War against Terror.

    Just because we follow a set of rules in a time when it is fashionable to be bound by none doesn't mean that we don't have lives like other people. To say that I live the life exactly the way a Muslim should would be arrogrant, presumptous and ignorant. I will never proclaim this. I've always been a moderate Muslim - taking the middle road. I do most things people do within the bounds of Islam, but in moderation. I do my best to pray 5 times a day - sometimes more, although admittedly this hasn't happened in recent times - I fast during Ramadhan, I adhere to a moderate Muslim code of dress and I try to make sure I've covered all the bases regarding my duties to Allah.

    I also listen to music, but try not to be influenced by it. I watch movies, but make myself aware of the issues in the movie that are not parallel to my faith. When I was at university, I socialised with non-Muslims, but drew the line when it involved going to the pub at night, or eating at non-halal eateries. I go to the cinema - but only with members of my family, a female friend or in a group. Some people would say this is unIslamic based on their interpretation - I am fine with that; because my parents have taught me to live this way and I am comfortable with it. They have also taught me that smoking could be wrong in Islam, because we are deliberately harming ourselves - just like bungee jumping. I guess these views may not sit well with most Muslims :)

    Admittedly, there are flaws in the way I live; as there are flaws in the way we all live. I remember one of my ustaz (or was it an ustazah?) saying.. "Yang pakai jubah tak dijamin masuk syurga, yang selalu ke masjid tak semesti solatnya lebih diterima..." It's also important to recognise these flaws and take the necessary actions - because knowing and not doing is a greater sin than not knowing at all. Wallahua'lam


    On a slightly less self-righteous note :) did you know that Malaysia holds the record for the most goals scored in a football game at the Asian Games? 15-1, they beat a Philippines side in the 1960's. What a long time ago that feels, and what a long, downward spiral we have fallen into!


    Got THE call. It's official. I'm leaving for Eng-er-land! Lancaster .. tunggu... aku cabar kau ! :D

    posted by Prof_Sadin 10/3/2002 05:01:35 AM// Your Say

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